Develop a people strategy that connects life and work.

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Time Champ Software

attendace amangement

Attendance Management

leave management

Leaves Management

performance management

Performance Management

self portal

Employee Self Service Portal

payroll software

Payroll Software

Human Resources Management is essential for balancing organizational goals with employee needs, promoting a positive work culture, and leading strategic efforts for managing talent. In simple words, it acts as the backbone of an organization for sustainable growth and success. It's important to integrate the right technology, partnerships, and culture in one place to support both your employees and your business objectives effectively.

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Why Time Champ for Human Resources ?

Use HR tech to improve employee engagement and build a company where everyone feels empowered to grow.

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Simplified Attendance Tracking

Time Champ streamlines attendance management with automated tracking features. Easily monitor employee attendance, track work hours, and generate detailed reports on leave balances, reducing administrative burden.

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Automated HR Processes

Time Champ automates HR tasks, from leave requests to performance tracking, minimizing manual efforts. Set up customizable leave policies, automated approvals, and access workforce planning tools for optimized staffing.

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Employee Directory

Time Champ software simplifies HR tasks by securely storing employee details, job information, and personal documents, ensuring easy access and efficient maintenance of essential records.

Zero paperwork with our HR software

Streamline your core HR procedures and reduce paperwork with Time Champ’s HR management technologies. Our HR tech solution saves you time and money by digitizing processes and optimizing workflows while enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

simplified employee directory

Simplified Employee Directories

hr workflows

Efficient HR workflows

informative analytics

Informative Analytics

document control

Centralized Document Control

Enhance Time Management with Precision

Improve your time management skills to the point where every second matters for the success of your team.

attendance tracking

Efficient Attendance Tracking

automated time sheets

Get Automated Time Sheets

flexible shift scheduling

Flexible Shift Scheduling

real tiem reporting

Real-Time Reporting

Simplify Leave Tracking with Our HR Management Solution

Spend less time tracking your employees’ days off. Time Champ helps you to free up your time to concentrate on what matters: your wellness and productivity.

leave tracking

Effortless Leave Tracking

self service portal

Convenient Self-Service Portal

team scheduling

Easy Team Scheduling

holiday calendar

Stay Organized with Holiday Calendar

Transform Your Time into Value

Time. Productivity. Monitoring. Tasks.

100,000+ Users 63 Countries


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Simplifying Payroll Processes for a Positive Experience

modern hr
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Modern HR

Empower your team with modern HR solutions that are customized to meet their needs and create a positive work atmosphere where everyone can succeed.

time attendance
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Time & Attendance

Efficiently track your employee time & attendance to simplify time management and ensure work-life balance.

history designation
salary designation
Salary History and Designation

Time Champ offers accurate salary history and designation tracking, ensuring seamless payroll processes for enhanced efficiency.

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Time Champ offers automated time sheets, ensuring accurate tracking and effortless management for streamlined operations.

team productivity
performance culture
Performance & Culture

Encourage cooperation and growth by implementing Performance and Culture programs that honor and celebrate accomplishments.

team productivity
payroll expences
Payroll and Expenses

Effectively managing payroll and expenses to give employees security and peace of mind. This will promote financial well-being.

Time Champ Software for any industry

Find out more about Snovasys's dedicated industry - based Time Champ's software, built to help businesses

manage their talent better and grow faster.

technology service
Technology & Services

Time Champ enhances efficiency in the technology and services industry with employee productivity monitoring, project management, automated attendance, and insightful analytics.

technology service
Pharma & Manufacturing

Time Champ improves profitability by ensuring compliance, tracking activities, and running smoothly by managing HR procedures, and monitoring output.

technology service
Banks & Financial Services

With Time Champ's automated attendance and productivity reports, you can ensure efficient processes and increase efficiency in the financial sector.

technology service

Streamline operations with Time Champ's task tracking and location activity features, optimizing productivity and enhancing project management efficiency in automotive industries.

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Let’s Integrate Our HR Functionality into Your Tool

Time Champ can be easily integrated with a wide variety of applications to optimize your workflows and improve efficiency. Do you require a specific integration? Please feel free to email us, and we will provide new integrations within 30 days!

What Our Happy Customer Says


Time Champ amazes us! It has greatly simplified the process for us to track productivity and manage leaves! manage leaves!

David, USA
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cistomer photo

Time Champ has made HR responsibilities easier and leave tracking more straightforward, which has had a big impact on our company.

Sofia, Spain
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For us, Time Champ has proven invaluable. Its features are amazing; they've simplified our HR procedures and improved everyone's quality of life.

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How is Time Champ making an impact in your industry?

Check out our insights and in-depth case studies.


In 2020, switching to remote work from a complete traditional work setup wasn’t easy. But as time passed, remote working became a norm, and so many organisations out there are entirely operating remotely.


HR compliance isn’t just about understanding the changes that are happening in the market. It requires continuous efforts to understand and implement the regulations within the business framework.


HR teams have to spend a considerable amount of time managing the attendance of employees, and it is common for them to face roadblocks while doing this.